19thC French Decorative Design Book 1873
This incredible book is titled L'Art Pour Tous and then, translated into English- " Encyclopedia of Industrial and Decorative Art". "Industrial" appears to be more what we today would consider "architectural"...and what a collection of decorative arts it is!
The book is extra large measuring 12 by 17 inches; so the pictures are large (most are full page size) which is wonderful as there is such an incredible amount of detail to see in each one. Every page is filled with the most wonderful images, engravings and richly coloured pictures. Every page is worthy of being framed if you desired though having them all together in such an exceptional book is particularly special. There is so much included in the book that it would be impossible to mention everything but I will add that there are vibrant coloured pictures of sections of tapestries and other textiles, some gilded and beautfifully decorative arts of all forms.
Each page has text is French, German and English so you are sure to enjoy reading and learning more about the extraordinary pieces featured.
Condition: The bottom right corner of the cover is damaged (see photo), the first page (blank) has some random small holes and the pages, though all together as one, are detached from the spine.
Whomever buys this has purchased something very special indeed and will have a great many hours of delight and fascination delving into one of our favourite features of previous era's , the sheer beauty!
UK postage £6.00